
Bike & Walk

Bike & Walk

Biking and walking to campus can be a great option for those living within a few miles of campus.

If a student needs financial assistance in purchasing bicycle equipment, please contact our Tuition Assistance Director, Mrs. Maryann O'Leary at maryannoleary@sfhs.com.

Bicycle Amenities on Campus

This map indicates biking infrastructure such as where to park your bike on campus and shower facilities.

Bicycle Amenities Map


Bicycle User Groups

If you currently bicycle to campus, please fill out the form to add your name to this list.  We would like to keep track of how many bicyclists there are coming to campus for planning purposes. Also, you may receive periodic updates with biking information and opportunities to provide program input to shape the bicycle encouragement program.  

Resources to Prepare for Your Ride & Safety to School


For information about sustainable transportation options to school contact

Transportation Coordinator
