Social Media Public Comment Policy
Thank you for being a follower of the Saint Francis High School (SFHS) social media channels. We participate in social media in order to engage with our students, parents, faculty, and the community. SFHS provides content on social media to educate and encourage participation with the school.
While we hope followers will share thoughts and opinions on SFHS’s social media pages, we expect that this will be done in a respectful manner. Therefore, a comment will be deleted if it contains:
- Hate speech,
- Profanity, obscenity, or vulgarity,
- Nudity in profile pictures,
- Defamation to a person or people,
- Name calling and/or personal attacks,
- Comments whose main purpose are to sell a product,
- Comments that infringe on copyrights,
- Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile,
- Other comments that the Saint Francis High School Social Media team deems inappropriate.
All links posted as comments on Saint Francis High School posts will be reviewed and may be deleted. Repeated violations of the SFHS comment policy may cause the author to be blocked from SFHS’s social media profiles.