

Designated Programs, Restricted Giving & Endowments


Designated Programs and Restricted Giving

Giving a restricted or program specific gift is a great way to partner with Saint Francis on new and emerging priorities. Designated programs or restricted gifts can be given with current or appreciated assets, for a designated purpose, period of time, or as an endowment. 

If you are interested in supporting and partnering with Saint Francis through a designated or restricted gift, please contact one of our Advancement staff for more information, or email us at advancement@sfhs.com.


Creating an endowment at Saint Francis High School is a great way to leave a legacy that will ensure a Holy Cross education for generations to come. Many of our endowments are designated for tuition assistance, but endowments can also support a designated program or initiative on campus. Endowments can be created starting at $50,000, be given with current assets, appreciated assets, or through an estate gift.

How our Endowments Work

Endowed funds are invested under the guidance of the Endowment Management Committee to balance income and longevity. The annual endowment distribution can range from 3-5% of the 12-quarter rolling average. Undistributed earnings are added to the market value of the endowment for future growth and distribution.

Make a gift to and Existing Endowment, Memorial, or Special Initiative

To make a gift to an existing endowment, memorial or special initiative, please contact our Chief Advancement Officer, Amy Peabody at amypeabody@sfhs.com.

Creating a New Endowment

If you are interested in creating an endowment, we encourage our donors to have a discussion with our Advancement staff so funds are designated and used as intended. Please contact one of our Advancement staff for more information, or email us at advancement@sfhs.com.

Visit our How to Give page to explore more giving options.


Amy Peabody
Chief Advancement Officer

Helen Solinski
Major Gifts Officer

Mike Speckman
Relationship Manager


Saint Francis High School is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

Federal Tax ID# 94-1337628