
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)/SFThrive

We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart. While we prepare useful citizens for society, we shall likewise do our utmost to prepare citizens for heaven.

- Blessed Basil Moreau, Circular Letter 36 (1849)

As a Holy Cross school committed to the physical, social, and emotional safety of all students, Saint Francis has long been on the forefront of supporting the needs of our students well beyond the classroom. The Social-Emotional Learning Program (SEL) program at Saint Francis uses data-driven, research-based practices to inform the intentional inclusion of SEL skills in all of our classes and programs. Research shows that the development of these foundational skills leads to a number of positive outcomes that help our students thrive in high school and beyond, including higher resilience, increased empathy, better peer and adult relationships, and better coping skills.

The SEL program at Saint Francis is modeled on a framework developed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). SEL programming on the five core competencies is provided for students, parents, and faculty/staff throughout the year.

SFThrive Advisory

As part of our commitment to SEL, Saint Francis has launched the SFThrive Advisory program that matches freshman students with an on-campus advisor to help cultivate these critical SEL skills. Research shows that belonging to structured, positive peer groups such as advisories increases students’ attachment to school and reduces risk behaviors. Students meet with their advisor once per week for a check-in and to work towards developing skills that will enable them to thrive in high school and beyond.

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